Your ML(s)

What is a ML? ML is short for "municipal liaison." An ML and co-ML(s) job is to coordinate events for NaNoWrimo which include, but are not limited to, write-ins, kick-off parties, after NaNo parties, and more.

With that being said, let me introduce you to your Citrus County ML(s).

Name: Lakisha Spletzer
NaNo name: kitazfrenzy
How many NaNos you've participated in: 8
How many you've won: 5
How many years as an ML: 4
Official Author Site: Kishaz World

Published NaNo Titles:

[2008 NaNo] Werelove: Dusk Conspiracy
[2009 NaNo] Dream Miner 
[2010 NaNo] The Tempo (Elemental Symphony) 
[2011 NaNo] Annals of the Las Armas: The Rising 
[2012 NaNo] Werelove #3: Night Betrayals 
[2013 NaNo] Jewels #2: Emerald Rebellion.

Why did you start doing NaNo?

I wanted to challenge myself. I tend to be a procrastinator and I wanted to break that habit by working within a deadline.

What is the most fun part of NaNo?

Connecting with other writers, going to the write-ins and the Kick-off party. And of course, writing!

What is the hardest part about NaNo?

Keeping the energy up to be able to make it to the end. Also, being motivated to write.

What advice would you give those thinking of participating in NaNo?

If you to challenge yourself, aren't afraid of deadlines and aren't afraid to write a really sloppy first draft in 30 days, then this is the place for you.